Productions & Programs

Teen Nation

Designed for teens who crave expert training by a critically acclaimed professional theatre. 

Aurora Teen Nation will provide: 

  • Sneak peek for an exciting preview of each Subscriber Series Production. 
  •  Inside scoop and backstage access to each show’s development  
  • Meet and Greet with Select Cast Members of Subscriber Series shows 
  • Safe space to socialize with other Gwinnett teens with a passion for drama! 
  • Intensive Training with Professional Performing Artists 


  • Each applicant must complete the application  
  • Aurora will schedule an interview with each perspective member  
  • Each student must be enrolled in a school or homeschool program, etc. 
  • Teen Nation members are expected to Volunteer at 1 event per month 
Middle School Goals   High School Goals

When your student enters high school, many of them will want to be in the seasonal plays and musicals. Often, upper-class students receive leading roles because they have seniority and familiarity with a program. Additionally, have confidence, and technical skills. We want to help your teen be prepared to CRUSH their first impression in high school. Make sure your artist is the BEST prepared student. As a critically acclaimed professional theatre, Aurora ensures that every child is learning the skills needed to SOAR in high school, while learning leadership skills, kindness, confidence, and most of all, Aurora promises your student will have FUN! 


Audition Preparation 

  • Overview of audition processes for performing arts schools  
  • Mock auditions with feedback sessions  
  • Selection and preparation of audition materials (monologues, songs)  

Vocal Lessons – Group Voice Lessons  

    • Vocal technique and warm-ups  
    • Song selection and interpretation  
    • Performance confidence and stage presence  


    • Fundamentals of acting techniques  
    • Character development and scene work  
    • Improvisation exercises  



    Develop skills for future college auditions and professional opportunities.

    Audition Preparation 

    • Advanced audition techniques  
    • Repertoire selection and coaching  
    • Mock college auditions with detailed feedback  

    Vocal Lessons- Group Voice Lessons / Private Voice Lessons  

    • Advanced vocal techniques and range expansion  
    • Interpretation and emotional expression in songs  
    • Performance skills under various conditions (solo, ensemble)  

    Scene Study 

    • Intensive analysis of scenes from various genres  
    • Partner work and ensemble building  
    • In-depth character exploration and development  


    • Advanced acting methodologies  
    • Text analysis and script interpretation  
    • Techniques for performing in front of different audiences  


    • Dance styles relevant to musical theatre and contemporary performance  
    • Physical conditioning and flexibility for performers  
    • Choreography workshops and learning dance routines  


    Varsity Teen Nation – $300 : 

    Jr Varsity : Teen Nation ($100) 

    • Required to volunteer 1 event per month 
    • 1 workshops taught by Local Atlanta Professional Artists 
    • Opportunity to help with show development in costumes/props/ and scenic painting 
    • Special Event Invitations  

    Schedule: All Classes are on Tuesdays 6pm-9pm 

      • September 10t Group Voice 
      • September 17th Group Voice 
      • September 24TH Dance– Musical Theatre 
      • October 1st  Dance– Contemporary 
      • October 8th  Acting a Song 
      • October 15th  Acting a Song 
      • October 22n Dance Hip Hop 
      • October 29th  Dance Jazz 
      • November 5th  Scene Study 
      • November 12th  Scene Study 
      • November 19th Monologue 
      • December 3rd  Monologue  
      • December 9th  & 10th Tech (Mon & Tues) 
      • December 14th Tech (Saturday) 
      • December 15th Winter showcase on LAC Grand Stage 
      • Required to volunteer 1 event per month 
      • 7 workshops taught by our Education Team 
      • Special Event Invitations 
      • End of Semester Showcase December 17th in our Black Box Studio 
      • Opportunity to help with show development in costumes/props/ and scenic painting 
      • Schedule: All Classes are on Tuesdays 6pm-9pm 
      • September  10th Improvisation 
      • September 24th Acting a Monologue 
      • October 8th  Acting a Song 
      • October 22nd  Dance – Musical Theatre 
      • November 11th  Mock Auditions 
      • November 19th Scene Study 
      • December 3rd  Ensemble Voice/Dance  
      • December 9th & 10th Tech (Mon & Tuesday)  
      • December 17th  Winter Showcase in Bobby Sikes Studio 





      These are just SOME of the events that our Varsity students will participate in. 

      • Sunday Sept 8th Mixer for all Members to meet their teachers!
      • Festival del Día de Los Muertos: November 2, 2024. Performance opportunity alongside other cultural exhibitions. Possible need for volunteer work to collect Thespian hours; assist with check-ins, meet and greet, point people, etc.   
      • Festival del Día de Los Muertos: November 2, 2024. Performance opportunity alongside other cultural exhibitions. Possible need for volunteer work to collect Thespian hours; assist with check-ins, meet and greet, point people, etc.  
      • Noche de Velas: December 7. Performance opportunity to sing a Spanish carol or two at event.  

      **Applications for Fall 2024  Deadline: September 1, 2024** 

      Teen Nation Application