Aurora Welcomes
Aurora Welcomes You
Jan 01, 2022
Aurora Theatre is exploring NEW creative partnerships to provide a steady stream of culturally rich entertainment for our community. This new initiative, as an arm of Aurora’s Cabaret Series, is open to all performers: musicians, singers, spoken word artists and a variety of other LIVE performing acts.
This series is a great way for artists to engage a wider community with access to our world-class facilities.
Aurora Theatre is offering a co-producer arrangement to interested artists for a share of ticket sales.
Aurora will provide:
- the venue and rehearsal space,
- front of house and ticketing,
- basic technical support (sound system and operator),
- some graphic design (incorporating each event into Aurora branding),
- marketing support on our media channels and to our patron base,
- and all covid-related safety precautions.
The Artist(s), as Producer, will provide:
- a show/acts of a minimum of 60 minutes worth of performance material,
- instruments,
- any extra technical needs Aurora cannot supply,
- and marketing support.
To maintain social distance and other safety measures, we ask that each program consist of no more than 5 performing artists.
Ticket split: Artist 60%/Aurora 40% of Ticket Sales Revenue.
Aurora Theatre reserves the right to set aside no more than 5 pairs of tickets for subscribers. Subscriber tickets are considered non-revenue generating and are not subject to the ticket split.
Interested artists should reach out to to submit a proposal. Please include the name and contact information for the designated Artist/Producer who will serve as the primary point of contact, as well as what kind of program you have in mind.
Proposals submitted will be considered for early 2022.
Before You Start Rehearsal
Schedule a FREE Covid test 3-5 days before beginning rehearsals. If you just received a test or underwent one for another project starting simultaneously, that result will work just fine. Once received, please send a screen shot or PDF version to our Managing Director, Katie Pelkey ( She and only she will have this on file.
A representative from Aurora will send you a digital health status questionnaire to complete
online. The responses to this questionnaire will only be shared with Aurora’s senior
management. Questions will include:
1. In the past month have you been diagnosed with Covid-19, or experienced symptoms of Covid-19, including, but not limited to, fever, cough, and shortness of breath?
2. Is a member of your household experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, or did he/she
receive a diagnosis of Covid-19?
3. Have you practiced social distancing from individuals experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or who have received a Covid-19 diagnosis?
4. Have you traveled domestically or internationally in the past month?
5. If yes, did you self-quarantine for 2 weeks after returning from your trip?
Before You Come to Rehearsals
1. Complete the digital “Artist Daily Health Questionnaire” each day before coming to
rehearsal. The link and a reminder will be provided to you. The answers to the form will
only be utilized by Aurora’s senior management. You will be asked what your
temperature is, how you’re feeling, and if the status of you or anyone in your close circle
has changed.
2. Pack a snack and water bottle. Aurora’s concession stand will not be open. If you need
to refill your water bottle while in the building, we ask that you use the backstage water
cooler. Cleaning wipes will be provided to wipe down after usage.
3. The lobby restrooms will be available for you to use, if you need them.
When You Arrive at Rehearsal
1. You will be welcomed at the parking deck door by an Aurora Staff Member, he/she will
be wearing a mask.
2. You will be provided with a new disposable paper mask. We ask that you keep this
mask on during the duration of your time at Aurora and only remove when ready to
3. You will be given hand sanitizer.
4. An Aurora Staff Member will take your temperature with a contactless thermometer
and record the result to share with Aurora’s Leadership only.
What to Expect While at Aurora
1. High touch areas (doorknobs, lobby bar, rehearsal tables, etc) will be wiped down with
bleach wipes/spray before your arrival by a member of Aurora’s staff.
2. The lobby restrooms will be available for your use. The doors will be slightly propped
open to allow for no-touch access.
3. The concessions stand will be closed. If you need to refill your water bottle please use
the water color backstage by the bathroom.
4. Doors to the performance spaces will be ajar for easy no-touch access
5. Hand sanitizer is located throughout the building. Please use them frequently and after
each time you’ve washed your hands following using the restroom.
- A mask and temperature check is required to enter the building.
- Touchless transaction – advanced ticket purchase only.
- Hand sanitizer will be readily available.
- Theatre will be disinfected before patrons are seated and immediately after each performance.
- Holtkamp Heating & Air Conditioner has adjusted air intakes on the HVAC system to continuously circulate fresh air.
- Digital programs will be available via a scannable QR code or by clicking in a link that will be provided in your ticket reminder email.
- Bathrooms have been upgraded to include automatic faucets and hand soap dispensers.