
Subscription Order Form – 4 Show

4-Show Subscription Purchase Pathway

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Choosing Your Subscription

Yes, upgrade my membership!
Yes, I'd like to make a tax-deductible donation.

Contact & Billing Info

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By checking this box, I give Aurora Theatre permission to charge my card for my Season Subscription and any donations associated with the level of membership I have chosen. I understand that this is a non-refundable purchase.*
Yes! Please keep my card on file and Auto Renew my Subscription in January of 2025!*
Aurora Theatre is a member of the Atlanta Tessitura Network, a multi-organization database. Details of your account are securely hosted by Adyen and only the last four digits of your card are visible online or within our database. When you elect to save your payment method with Aurora Theatre, it will also be accessible to you when you visit other member organizations of the Atlanta Tessitura Network.